Wednesday, February 22, 2012

It's My Party And I'll Cry If I Want To!

I haven't blogged for a long time and it wasn't my intention to start blogging on this particular subject today. As a matter of fact, I actually started a different entry a few weeks ago, but had to set it aside because I hit a mental snag in my train of thought.

Earlier this morning, someone posted a wonderful, uplifting blog entry on my “Life with Fibromyalgia” Facebook page regarding what it feels like to have Fibromyalgia. Another person commented, “Great descriptions and details about how it feels but yet it didn't sound like a pity party...although there's nothing wrong with a pity party once in a while!” While I completely agree with this person's comment regarding the blog entry, I have to say I'm deeply entrenched in my very own private pity party. So much so that I'm singing, “It's my party and I'll cry if I want to, cry if I want to!” through my tears. And, that's exactly how I feel damn it!

Since being diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, scratch that, preceding the diagnosis, I could feel my pain and fatigue levels progressively getting worse. Sure, I get moments of relief from the pain where I think, “Could this be the break I've been praying for? The remission I've been promised?” only to find out not long after,  it's not. I felt that way this morning. For about an hour, I felt human. Imagine, feeling human for an hour – no pain, no fatigue! And, to have it suddenly taken away from you AGAIN.

I've lost friends who no longer take the time to call me, text me, or ask me how I'm doing because (I assume) they honestly do not want to hear the answer.  Rarely if someone does ask, I quite frankly flat out lie and say, “I'm fine.” It's easier and spares us both of the long, uncomfortable silence. If I'm honest about how I'm really feeling, they find an excuse to break off the conversation or out of kindness to them, I break it off myself. Why bother when it's easier to lie? Sometimes I tell them the truth in an email.  A lot of times I never get a response, not even from my “dearest” of friends. I need to stop doing that for clearly I'm setting myself up for disappointment. I find it tiring telling people how much pain I'm in or how fatigued I am and I assume they find it just as tiring hearing about it.  Understandably, friends get tired of asking if I can or want to do something with them because more often than not, I can't. In their defense, I rarely answer my phone anymore because I find listening hurts. Whatever it is – the frequency over the telephone lines – I don't know, talking on the phone is painful (to me).

Today, I planned to clean my house. Typically, on high pain days (most days) I can't clean my house and rely on my family to do a lot of the household chores for me. However, they don't tackle the jobs and deep clean the way I do or did when I was able too. I asked my husband if we could get help. He said, “No, we couldn't afford it without making sacrifices. Your medications cost too much. We could cancel TV.” Sacrifices, eh? What more should I sacrifice, I ask myself? My health has been sacrificed already and I didn't ask for this. No one does. Granted the sacrifices are different – apples to oranges – if you will. I shouldn't compare my physical sacrifices to household budget sacrifices.

Fibromyalgia is commonly referred to as an invisible illness because those afflicted by it don't look sick. I ask you to compare these two pictures taken almost four years apart and tell me what you see.

July 2008

February 2012

A few months ago, I started reading Toni Bernard's book, How To Be Sick: A Buddhist Inspired Guide for the Chronically Ill and their Caregivers. Unfortunately, I put it down without finishing it.  I saved a passage from her book or her Facebook page, I'm not sure, that resonated with me the last time I felt this way. She wrote:

"Self-pity can be so painful. The good thing is that, like all thoughts and emotions, it won't stay in your mind forever. It will arise and it will pass. When it's present, I recommend just being mindful of it and treating yourself kindly about it -- with self-compassion -- even speaking to yourself with phrases such as, "it's so hard to feel this way." Try not to feed it with stories about your life -- the list of injustices, etc. because that will just make it stronger. The idea is to hold it in your awareness without aversion until it passes. If speaking to yourself kindly makes you cry, that's okay because these are just tears of love for yourself. It's hard not to feel that sense of injustice, but life happens to everyone in a different way. We all have our joys and our sorrows, and the only possibility for peace is to be able to greet all of life's experiences with an open . I know there are joys to come for you. I just know. So, try to accept the sorrow you're feeling right now and know that it will pass."

So, yes, I'm throwing myself a pity party without guilt or worrying about having to justify my emotions to anyone; however, I do need to refocus my thoughts and try to let go of the injustices and limitations caused by this chronic pain illness and recognize my sadness for what it is ~ a human emotion. But, let me ask you this, my non-fibro family and friends, wouldn't you cry, too, if this happened to you?



  1. So glad to see you are posting again as I really enjoy your posts ( and No I don't say that to everyone )
    To answer the question about the 2 photos - the light in your eyes has gone out, like there is no one home or a fog! Sounds heavy but that is what chronic illness can do. My daughter said I went behind a fog for 2 years - she thought it was the drug I was on! I make a real effort now when around people just to appear normal but it is exhausting afterwards.

  2. Thank you, Leroy! You are so very kind to me, as always! A few weeks have passed since writing this entry and I've had time to reflect on my thoughts when I wrote them. I'm hoping to update and add to this entry soon. I agree, the light in my eyes doesn't shine as bright as it used too. I think it's mostly because of the pain and fatigue and not so much because of the medication, though. Like you said, that's what chronic illness does. How are you doing, my friend?

  3. have you tried going gluten /dairy free for your fibro? Going gluten free helped me a LOT.
